B.S. in Chemistry/Biochemistry (6-12 Physical Science Teacher Certification)

Website: https://twu.edu/chemistry-biochemistry/undergraduate-programs/bs-in-chemistrybiochemistry-with-teacher-certification/

Our flexible undergraduate degree plan with teacher certification combines liberal arts study with a chemistry/biochemistry concentration, teacher education coursework, and hands-on student teaching experience. This plan allows you to major in chemistry while also pursuing your teacher certification and a specialization in an almost unlimited number of other areas, such as business, journalism, biology, mathematics, nutrition, or computer science. We offer two options for certification: teacher certification in physical science for grades 6-12, and teacher certification in science for grades 7-12.

Marketable Skills

Defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's 60x30 Strategic Plan as, "Those skills valued by employers that can be applied in a variety of work settings, including interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skills areas. These skills can be either primary or complementary to a major and are acquired by students through education, including curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities."

Degree Skills

  1. As a member of an undergraduate teaching lab team and research team, you will learn how to work and communicate with diverse team members.​
  2. Writing laboratory reports, papers, senior theses coupled with presenting your work to your peers, at conferences, or to the general public, you will gain valuable verbal and written communication skills.​
  3. With our departmental focus on civic engagement and laboratory safety as our first priority, you will understand social and personal responsibility.​
  4. Earning a degree in any field of chemistry naturally requires excellent problem solving and critical thinking skills related to chemistry, these skills can also be used to address other issues and solve other problems.

Teacher Certification Skills

  1. Appropriately explain the impact of effective planning and communication (within the chosen area of concentration) to relevant internal and external stakeholders in an education or community setting.
  2. Identify, select, and implement entry-level instructional plans when serving as an instructor in the school setting.
  3. Successfully manage organizational and student behavior when teaching in the school setting.
  4. Efficiently and accurately assess student progress and use data to develop and modify instruction for K-12 students.
  5. Work effectively and collaboratively with students and families from diverse backgrounds.


Teacher Certification

Application Deadlines

There are three application periods per year (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Students must have their applications in by the deadline the semester before they intend to take ECE 3223 (EC-3 only), EDUC 3003, EDUC 3482, or READ 4223 (EC-3 only).  (see schedule below).

Spring Application Deadlines*  (Admission to the EDUC 3000s Summer)
  • May 1 - Deadline to apply for Summer admission
  • May 31 - Deadline for Transfer Grades, Grade Changes, or Any Other Requirement
Summer Application Deadlines  (Admission to the EDUC 3000s Fall)
  • July 1 - Deadline to apply for Fall admission
  • July 31 - Deadline for Transfer Grades, Grade Changes, or Any Other Requirement
Fall Application Deadlines*  (Admission to the EDUC 3000s Spring)
  • December 1 - Deadline to apply for Spring admission
  • December 21 - Deadline for Transfer Grades, Grade Changes, or Any Other Requirement


Please adhere to the following guidelines: 

  • We recommend preparing your application well in advance of the deadline. That way you will be able to identify and resolve any potential issues before the deadline date. 
  • If you intend to register early for ECE 3223 (EC-3 only), EDUC 3003, EDUC 3482, or READ 4223 (EC-3 only) for the Summer or Fall semesters and have met all admission requirements, it is recommended that you apply to the EPP by December 1.
  • If you apply for admission to the Educator Preparation Program while enrolled in EDUC 2003 or are taking coursework to increase your GPA to a 2.75, the Office of Educator Preparation Services will process your application. If the GPA requirement, along with all other admission requirements are met at the end of the semester, an admission decision will be made at that time.
  • No late applications will be accepted. If the deadline date falls on a weekend or a day that TWU is closed, applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on the next day that TWU is open after the deadline day.


In addition to the general undergraduate admissions requirements, to obtain acceptance into the undergraduate Educator Preparation Program (and prior to taking ECE 3223 (EC-3 only), EDUC 3003EDUC 3482, EDUC 4113EDUC 4243, READ 4223 (EC-3 only), and Clinical Student Teaching) students must have:

  • A cumulative GPA of 2.75 (includes all courses, whether posted to TWU transcript or used on a degree plan. Excludes developmental and repeated courses);
  • Demonstrated basic skills in reading, written communication, and mathematics by meeting the requirements of the Texas Success Initiative;

  • A minimum of 12 to 15 semester credit hours in the subject-specific content area for the certification sought;

  • Completed EDUC 2003 with a C or higher;

  • Completed department application for admission to the Educator Preparation Program in Tk20;
  • Completed the Digital Literacy Pre-assessment;

  • Submitted a non-refundable Texas Education Agency Fee;

  • Completed a Commitment Contract acknowledging awareness and understanding of the Professional Dispositions Policy and Educators’ Code of Ethics;

  • Successfully completed a pre-admission departmental interview with an interview panel; and

  • Acknowledged and accepted admission to the Educator Preparation Program.

Please note:

  • All accepted students must maintain the admission requirements to remain in the TWU Education Preparation Program.
  • Admission requirements are determined by Texas Education Agency policies and are subject to change without notice.
  • Students seeking Bilingual certification must meet minimum proficiency in Spanish.
  • Students seeking Deaf/Hard of Hearing certification must meet minimum proficiency in sign.

All admission decisions are based on the successful completion of the above requirements. Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor other than a minor traffic violation may affect certification. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Texas Education Agency. Any previous or current issues of academic dishonesty, disruptive behavior, or professional dispositions infractions at TWU, another university, or another Educator Preparation Program may result in denial of admission. Any decision may be appealed by contacting the Office of Educator Preparation Services at 940-898-2829.

Contact the Office of Educator Preparation Services (OEPS) at copeadvising@twu.edu or 940-898-2829 with any questions.

Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Requirements

  • Candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to employment as an educator. [19 TAC §227.1(b)(1)]
  • Candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to clinical teaching. [19 TAC §227.1(b)(2)]
  • The potential ineligibility of an individual who has been convicted of an offense for issuance of a certificate. [19 TAC §227.1(d)(1)]
  • The right to request a preliminary criminal history evaluation from TEA. [19 TAC §227.1(d)(3)]

Degree Requirements

Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH): 121    

Major: 33 SCH;  Required Minor: 26 SCH

Program Code: CHEMISTRY.BS.PHYSED;  CIP Code: 40.0501.00

Texas Core Curriculum

ENG 1013Composition I3
ENG 1023Composition II3
Life & Physical Sciences6
Language, Philosophy, & Culture3
Creative Arts3
HIST 1013History of the United States, 1492-18653
HIST 1023History of the United States, 1865 to the Present3
POLS 2013U.S. National Government3
POLS 2023Texas Government3
Social & Behavioral Sciences3
CAO: Women's Studies3
CAO: First Year Seminar, Wellness or Mathematics3
Total SCHs42

Courses Required for Major

CHEM 1213
CHEM 1211
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 1223
CHEM 1221
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 2213
CHEM 2211
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 3223
CHEM 3221
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 3333
CHEM 3331
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
and Quantitative Chemical Analysis Laboratory
CHEM 3413
CHEM 3411
Physical Chemistry I
and Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 3423
CHEM 3421
Physical Chemistry II
and Physical Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 3633
CHEM 3632
Biochemistry I
and Biochemistry I Laboratory
Total SCHs33

Departmental Requirements

BIOL 4593Science in the Secondary Classroom3
MATH 2014Calculus I (may be applied from core)4
MATH 2024Calculus II4
PHYS 2153
PHYS 2151
General Physics I
and General Physics Laboratory I (may be applied from core)
PHYS 2163
PHYS 2161
General Physics II
and General Physics Laboratory II (may be applied from core)
SCI 1114Sustainable Physical Science4
SCI 2113Earth Science: Global Perspectives3
SCI 3133Climate Change: A Human Perspective3
Total SCHs29

Professional Education Studies

Admission to the Educator Preparation Program is required. Students must apply for admission into the Educator Preparation Program prior to enrolling in EDUC 3003/EDUC 3482EDUC 4113/EDUC 4243, and EDUC 4946. Information is available from the Office of Educator Preparation Services.

Pedagogical and Professional Responsibility
EDUC 2003Schools and Society3
EDUC 3003Learning Theory and Development3
EDUC 3482Teaching Diverse Learners Through Technology Integration2
EDUC 4113Design and Implementation of Instruction and Assessment3
EDUC 4243Classroom Environment and Management3
EDUC 4946Clinical Student Teaching6
Related Studies in Education
READ 3013Literacy and Learning across the Curriculum3
EDSP 3203Learners with Exceptionalities3
Total SCHs26


  1. EDUC 2003 may be taken at a community college. Check with the Office of Educator Preparation Services to make sure the course has the equivalent number.
  2. EDUC 4113 and EDUC 4243 must be taken during the same semester.

Recommended Plan of Study

First Year
CHEM 1213
CHEM 1211
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory I
MATH 2014Calculus I MATH 24134
ENG 1013Composition I ENGL 13013
HIST 1013History of the United States, 1492-1865 HIST 13013
UNIV 1231Learning Frameworks: the First-Year Seminar EDUC 1100, EDUC 1200, EDUC 13001
Wellness/Mathematics CAO Core2
 SCHs 17
CHEM 1223
CHEM 1221
Principles of Chemistry II
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory II
MATH 2024Calculus II MATH 24144
ENG 1023Composition II ENGL 13023
HIST 1023History of the United States, 1865 to the Present HIST 13023
Multicultural Women's Studies Core CAO3
 SCHs 17
Second Year
CHEM 2213
CHEM 2211
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 2323
& CHEM 2123
PHYS 2153
PHYS 2151
General Physics I
and General Physics Laboratory I
PHYS 2325
& PHYS 2125
POLS 2013U.S. National Government GOVT 23053
Creative Arts Core3
Language, Philosophy, & Culture Core3
 SCHs 17
CHEM 3223
CHEM 3221
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
PHYS 2163
PHYS 2161
General Physics II
and General Physics Laboratory II
PHYS 2326
& PHYS 2126
POLS 2023Texas Government GOVT 23063
CHEM 3333
CHEM 3331
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
and Quantitative Chemical Analysis Laboratory
Social/Behavioral Core3
 SCHs 18
Third Year
EDUC 2003Schools and Society EDUC 13013
CHEM 3633
CHEM 3632
Biochemistry I
and Biochemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 3413
CHEM 3411
Physical Chemistry I
and Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
SCI 1114Sustainable Physical Science PHYS 14154
 SCHs 16
EDUC 3003Learning Theory and Development 3
EDUC 3482Teaching Diverse Learners Through Technology Integration 2
CHEM 3423
CHEM 3421
Physical Chemistry II
and Physical Chemistry Laboratory II
SCI 2113Earth Science: Global Perspectives GEOL 14013
SCI 3133Climate Change: A Human Perspective 3
 SCHs 15
Fourth Year
EDUC 4113Design and Implementation of Instruction and Assessment 3
EDUC 4243Classroom Environment and Management 3
BIOL 4593Science in the Secondary Classroom 3
READ 3013Literacy and Learning across the Curriculum 3
EDSP 3203Learners with Exceptionalities 3
 SCHs 15
EDUC 4946Clinical Student Teaching 6
 SCHs 6
 Total SCHs:  121