Chemistry Minors



A minor in Chemistry requires a minimum of 19 semester credit hours, six of which must be advanced (3000 or 4000 level). Advanced hours must be taken at Texas Woman's University. In addition to the courses listed, an additional 3-4 credit hours must be taken from the options listed within the table below.

CHEM 1113
CHEM 1111
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 1123
CHEM 1121
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM 2213
CHEM 2211
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 3223
CHEM 3221
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Choose one of the following3-4
Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
and Quantitative Chemical Analysis Laboratory
Physical Chemistry I
and Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
Biochemistry I
and Biochemistry I Laboratory
Environmental Chemistry I
and Environmental Chemistry Laboratory I
Total SCHs19-20

General Science

The minor in General Science requires 18 semester credit hours, six of which must be advanced.  These must be divided among at least three of the following: chemistry (CHEM), biology (BACT, BIOL, or ZOOL), physics (PHYS), environmental science (ENVS), and science (SCI) courses.  If the major is biology or chemistry, the hours must be divided between at least two of the remaining four.