Master of Science in Accountancy


The M.S. in Accountancy prepares students for positions in financial management and in-demand financial professional designations leading to excellent positions in public accounting, corporate accounting, financial planning, small business accounting, governmental accounting, charities, colleges and universities, and hospitals and other medical firms.  In addition, the degree provides financial management training for students who want to own and manage their own businesses.

New CPA Exam requirements make it necessary for candidates to choose a specific “discipline” between Taxation, Business Analysis and Reporting, and Information Systems and Controls. The MS in Accounting gives students the opportunity to emphasize one of these areas.

Combined with the BBA Accounting degree, the MS in Accountancy provides all required classwork required for the CPA designation, the CMA designation. Students interested in a professional financial designation should consult with a faculty member in accounting.

Marketable Skills

Defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's 60x30 Strategic Plan as, "Those skills valued by employers that can be applied in a variety of work settings, including interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skills areas. These skills can be either primary or complementary to a major and are acquired by students through education, including curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities."

The M.S. in Accountancy includes important training in financial management, financial reporting, data analysis, analytics, critical thinking, financial planning, and decision-making-- all essential skills for managers in today's business world.


All students must meet the University requirements as outlined in the Admission to the TWU Graduate School section of the catalog.

The academic program may have additional admission criteria that must also be completed as outlined on the program's website.

Degree Requirements

Total Semester Credit Hours Required

30-42 semester credit hours (SCH).

Proficiency Courses (may be waived)0-12
Managerial Accounting
Financial Accounting
Cornerstones of Accounting
Intermediate Financial Accounting
Required Courses
ACCT 5123Advanced Accounting3
ACCT 5483Accounting for Management Control3
ACCT 5473Financial Statement Analysis3
ACCT 5563Accounting Ethics3
ACCT 5733Accounting Research3
Choose one of the following emphasis areas9
Tax Compliance and Planning (Choose three of the following)
Advanced Topics in Taxation
Tax Planning and Compliance
Entity Taxation
Business Analysis and Reporting (Choose three of the following)
Advanced Accounting Analytics
Contemporary Topics in Accounting
Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting
Auditing, Systems, and Controls (Choose three of the following)
Advanced Auditing
Information Systems Audit, Assurance, and Advisory
Internal Auditing
Other Electives
Choose six SCH of coursework not previously taken from any of the courses in any emphasis area or from the course(s) below.6
Professional Accountancy
Total SCHs30-42