Financial Information

Cost of Attendance

Tuition rates and all fees are subject to change at any time without prior notice by action of the Board of Regents or the Texas Legislature. Payments for tuition, fees, and room and board should be made to Texas Woman’s University and should be addressed to:

Office of the Bursar
Texas Woman's University
304 Administration Drive
Denton, TX 76204

When students register online, they may make credit card or electronic check payments via Pay for Classes Online.

Refer to the TWU Bursar’s website for details related to tuition, fees, payments, and financial obligations to the University.

Tuition (Subject to Change)

The payment of tuition entitles the student to instruction in the various non-laboratory classes and use of the TWU Libraries. The most current rates are available on the TWU Bursar's website.


Student type cost
Resident (in-state) students, 2024-2025 $238.00 per semester credit hour
Nonresident (out-of-state and foreign) students $648.00 per semester credit hour
Qualifying Oklahoma resident students $268.00 per semester credit hour


Student type cost
Resident (in-state) students, 2024-2025 $323.00 per semester credit hour
Nonresident (out-of-state and foreign) students $733.00 per semester credit hour

Additional Tuition Surcharges

Certain courses in the following programs have established tuition charges that will be added to the above tuition rates. These additional rates are determined by the courses selected in the following areas:

Student type cost
Biology $25.00 per semester credit hour
Chemistry $24.00 per semester credit hour
Communication Sciences $30.50 per semester credit hour
Counseling - graduate $7.00 per semester credit hour
Dance $15.00 per semester credit hour
Dental Hygiene $42.00 per semester credit hour
Education(EDUC courses only) $30.00 per semester credit hour
Fashion & Textiles - undergraduate $30.00 per semester credit hour
Health Studies $40.00 per semester credit hour
Library & Information Studies - graduate $10.00 per semester credit hour
Marriage & Family Therapy(MFT courses) $20.50 per semester credit hour
Music $35.00 per semester credit hour
Nursing - undergraduate $90.00 per semester credit hour
Nursing - graduate masters $95.00 per semester credit hour
Nursing - graduate doctoral $100.00 per semester credit hour
Occupational Therapy $30.00 per semester credit hour
Physical Therapy - graduate $55.50 per semester credit hour
Psychology/Philosophy $20.00 per semester credit hour
College of Business - graduate $80.00 per semester credit hour
College of Business - undergraduate $20.00 per semester credit hour
Social Work - graduate $50.00 per semester credit hour
Visual Arts $21.50 per semester credit hour

Concurrent Enrollment Tuition

Students who will concurrently enroll at both Texas Woman’s University and another state university or community college should consult with the Registrar prior to enrollment at either institution. International students must report to International Student and Scholar Services for concurrent enrollment verification.

Nonresident Classification for Tuition

Title 3 of the Texas Education Code specifies that out-of-state residents who come to Texas for the primary purpose of furthering their education will be classified as nonresident students. Persons classified as nonresident students upon first enrollment at Texas Woman’s University are presumed to be nonresidents for the period during which they continue as students. To petition for residency reclassification, the student must complete the Residency Questionnaire and submit it to the Office of the Registrar with appropriate documentation prior to the beginning of the semester.

Tuition Waivers for Nonresidents

Nonresident or international students receiving competitive scholarships in the amount of $1,000 or more awarded by Texas Woman’s University may pay the in-state tuition rate. Nonresident students who hold an appointment as graduate teaching assistants or graduate research assistants may pay the in-state tuition rate provided they are employed at least one-half time in a position that relates to their degree program.

Oklahoma Residents - Undergraduate Only

Qualifying Oklahoma residents may be eligible for reduced tuition from other non-residents as authorized by action of the Texas Woman's University Board of Regents. This action applies only to Oklahoma undergraduate students. Eligible students must provide two (2) different documents showing the physical location of residency to the Registrar's Office for this reduced rate.

Undocumented Immigrant Students – TEC 54.052 (A)(3)

Texas law allows certain students who are not U.S. citizens to qualify for Texas residency at public universities. Applicants qualifying under TEC 54.052 (A)(3) for the resident tuition rate will be evaluated under the regular freshman and transfer admissions criteria. Eligibility for residency status may be granted if a student meets all of the following criteria:

  1. graduated from a public or private high school in this state or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in this state; and
  2. maintained a residence continuously in this state for:
    1. the three years preceding the date of graduation or receipt of the diploma equivalent, as applicable; and
    2. the year preceding the census date of the academic term in which the person is enrolled in an institution of higher education.

Veterans Benefits

Texas Woman’s University honors the Veteran's Administration GI Bill® programs and the State of Texas Hazlewood Act. Benefit recipients are expected to remain in Academic Good Standing to be eligible for benefits. Students should contact the Veterans Program Office for applications and other forms. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website.

Special services for veterans at TWU include academic credit for military experience (when applicable), early course registration, personalized help with Hazelwood and GI® benefits, and study workshops

Excess Hours Rule for Graduate Students

Doctoral resident students will be charged at the out-of-state rate for all doctoral work in excess of 99 semester credit hours. (Note: Students in Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, Family Therapy, and Nursing are charged at the out-of-state rate for all doctoral work in excess of 130 doctoral hours.)

Request for Graduate Reduced Tuition (Code 3)

Under provisions of the Texas Higher Education Code Section 54.051(e), Texas residents are eligible for a reduced tuition rate when enrolling for thesis or dissertation only, provided those hours are the final credits required for the degree. Professional paper enrollment does not qualify a student for Reduced Tuition under Texas Education Code Section 54.051(e). Students must complete a form requesting the reduction and return it to the Graduate School prior to the final semester. 

Required Fees (Subject to Change)

Fitness and Recreation Fee

A fitness and recreation fee of $80.00 per semester will be assessed to all students who enroll.

Graduate School Application Fee

A $50.00 non-refundable application fee will be assessed for all students who apply for admission to the Graduate School.

International Application Fee

A $75.00 non-refundable application fee will be assessed by all international students who apply for admission.

International Education Fee

A $3.00 per semester international education fee will be assessed to all students who enroll. This fee is used to support activities and recruitment of international students.

Late Registration Fee

Students will be assessed a $50.00 non-refundable late registration fee if they register on the first day of a semester or later.

Medical Services Fee

A medical services fee of $51.00 per semester will be assessed to all students who enroll. The medical services fee is used to provide medical services to students at the University.

Program Fee

A program fee will be assessed to all students who enroll. This fee supports academic programs on each campus.

  •  Lower-level undergraduate fee (1000 & 2000 level courses): $8/semester credit hour
  •  Upper-level undergraduate fee (3000 & 4000 level courses): $15/semester credit hour
  •  Graduate-level fee (5000 & 6000 level courses): $25/semester credit hour

Student Union Fee

A student union fee of $150.00 will be charged each semester to all students who enroll. The student union fee finances the Office of the Director of the Student Center and the maintenance of the student center areas on each campus.

Student Services Fee

The student services fee is charged based on semester credit hours. The fee is charged at a rate of $35.71 per semester credit hour, not to exceed a maximum rate of $250 per semester.

The student services fee entitles students to a variety of services provided by University components or via contract from an outside provider. Components funded at least partially by student services fees are Career and Employment Services, the Center for Student Development, the Counseling Center, Disability Support Services, and Intercollegiate Athletics. The student services fee also enables students to attend special lectures, concerts, and dramatic presentations; receive the university newspaper, the Lasso; participate as members of the United Student Association; and use a variety of recreational facilities.

University Services Fee

The university services fee is based on semester credit hours. The fee is charged at a rate of $66.00 per semester credit hour. This fee supports computer operations, library services, advising services, student ID, and publication costs.

Course-Related Costs

Drop/Add Fee (Subject to Change)

A $10.00 fee will be charged for dropping or adding a course when the drop/add occurs on or after the first day of the term. There will be no charge for drops and adds that are departmentally initiated to balance teaching loads or close courses. A charge will be made for each class dropped and/or each class added.

Malpractice Liability Insurance

Students enrolled in the Institute of Health Sciences or in other programs requiring clinical experience will be automatically charged a course-related malpractice liability insurance fee.

Blood-borne Pathogens Insurance

Students enrolled in certain courses may be automatically assessed this insurance to provide benefits in case of accidental exposure to blood-borne pathogens/infectious diseases in health-related settings.

Textbooks and Supplies

Students and faculty members may purchase textbooks and all school supplies at the University Bookstore. It is difficult to estimate the per-student cost of textbooks and supplies since the figures vary considerably by level and subject matter area. The total cost will be affected by the proportion of used versus new textbooks purchased by students.

Other Costs and Fees

Diploma and Graduation Fees

A candidate for graduation must pay a graduation application fee of $40, which includes the printing and mailing of the diploma. This fee is mandatory for all graduation applications regardless if the graduate plans to participate in the commencement ceremonies. To replace a previously issued diploma, there is a $25 diploma re-ordering fee. Additional information may be obtained from the Registrar’s office.

Housing and Meal Services

See the separate bulletin available through University Housing.

Returned Checks or Electronic Payments (Subject to Change)

A $30.00 service fee will be levied on all returned checks or electronic payments (web-check) if the bank is not at fault. Students submitting a payment to TWU that is returned unpaid are subject to being dropped from courses by the University. It is TWU policy to submit all returned checks immediately upon receipt to the Denton County District Attorney for collection.

Transcript Fee

A non-refundable fee of $10.00 per copy will be charged for all transcripts requested. All holds and past-due balances must be cleared before transcripts will be released.

Replacement of Lost Meal Plan/I.D. Card (Subject to Change)

A $25.00 fee is required of all students who apply for the replacement of a lost meal plan or I.D. card.

Payment and Refunds of Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees Payment Option

Each student is to select one of the following alternatives for the payment of tuition and fees:

  • Full payment of tuition and fees is required prior to the beginning of each semester in accordance with published deadlines in the Academic Calendar. Accepted financial aid will be used to hold class schedules and make the required payment. Failure to pay will result in the deletion of all courses. Tuition and fee bills are not mailed to students but are available online through Self Service>Student Finance>View/Print Registration Statement.
  • Installment Payment Plan (Subject to Change). An installment payment plan option is available for each term. Online enrollment by the student is required by the published deadlines. This payment option is available through the Pay Online feature through the Pioneer Portal or from the TWU Homepage under Pay for Classes. The Fall and Spring payment plan requires a down payment of 25 percent of total semester charges by the published payment deadline. The remaining balance is split into three payments that are due at one-month intervals during the semester. Various installment plans may be available for the Summer term and will be based upon when enrollment in the plan is made. An installment fee of $25 (subject to change) will be assessed at the time of enrollment in any installment plan and is due in addition to the required down payment. Accepted financial aid awards will be used prior to establishing the installment plan balance.
  • Emergency Payment Plan(Subject to Change). This plan is intended as an alternative method for students who may be receiving financial aid after the initial, established due date of the term. Students will accept this plan at the beginning of each term in the online payment system. The Emergency Payment Plan will not require a down payment when enrolling but will push total semester charges to future payment dates. An installment fee of $25 will be added and due for those selecting the Emergency Payment Plan. Late payment fees may be assessed if installment payments are not made. Accepted financial aid awards will be used as payments in this plan also.

Delinquent Payment Penalty (Subject to Change)

As provided by law, any student who fails to make full payment of tuition and all fees by the due date may be prohibited from registering for classes until full payment is made. In addition, the following charges apply:

  • A charge of $25.00 for delinquent payments. Any student who does not make installment payments by the established installment plan due dates will be charged a delinquent payment fee of $25.00 for each payment that is delinquent.
  • The student will not receive course credit if full payment is not made prior to the end of the semester.

Refunds for Classes Dropped

Refund deadlines for individual dropped courses vary based on the length of the term or session as outlined in the Texas Education Code, Chapter 54, §54.006. Individual term and session refund deadlines are available in the Academic Calendar and on the Bursar's website. Full refunds will be given for classes dropped prior to these days, provided the student remains enrolled in other semester credit hours. Refunds for classes dropped are based upon the student remaining in other courses during the semester.

Refunds for Withdrawal

Withdrawal from the University means officially dropping all classes through forms filed with the Office of Student Life. Refunds are pro-rated based on the day on which the student withdraws in relation to the Academic Calendar. The following schedule determines the refunds for tuition and fees for long fall, spring, or summer semester withdrawal for courses of 10 weeks or more:

Date Withdrawn Percent
Prior to the first class day A non-refundable $15.00 matriculation fee will be assessed.
Prior to the first class day of the semester 100%
During the first five class days of the semester 80%
During the second five class days of the semester 70%
During the third five class days of the semester 50%
During the fourth five class days of the semester 25%
After the fourth five class days of the semester None

No part of tuition or fees is returned after the 20th class day of the long semester. Refunds are calculated on charges assessed, not payments received.

The following schedule determines the refunds for tuition and fees for shorter sessions upon withdrawal from the University if no coursework is completed. (Education Code Section 54.006 (b2) Texas School Law Bulletin):

Date Withdrawn Percent
Prior to the first class day of any session 100% less a $15 matriculation fee that will be assessed.
First class day of a 5-week or less session 80%
Second class day of a 5-week or less session 50%
Third class day of a 5-week or less session and thereafter None
Class days 1-3 of a session more than 5 weeks but less than 10 weeks 80%
Class days 4-8 of a session more than 5 weeks but less than 10 weeks 50%
Ninth class day of a session more than 5 weeks but less than 10 weeks and thereafter None

Students withdrawing from the University who are enrolled for classes that begin after the last day for refunds will receive no refund of tuition and fees for those classes. Short-session withdrawal percentages are based on being registered only in the shorter session. If withdrawing from multiple sessions, refund percentages may not apply above.

Refund Delivery Method

TWU delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution powered by BMTX, Inc. All student refunds for excess financial aid, dropped classes, housing deposits, account adjustment credits, or withdrawal refunds are sent to BankMobile Disbursements. Refund checks will not be issued by the University.

After registering for their first semester at TWU, students will be able to select their refund method after logging into their portal account. Students will select Make Refund Choice and select a refund preference. For more information, visit the BankMobile website.

Complete refund information is available on the TWU Bursar's website.

Undergraduate Tuition Rebate Program

The State of Texas allows eligible undergraduate students to apply for a $1,000 tuition rebate upon graduation. To be eligible for the rebate, an undergraduate student must have always been eligible for Texas Resident tuition, graduate in four calendar years, and graduate attempting no more than three semester credit hours beyond the minimum needed for the awarded degree. The minimum total includes transfer credit, repeated credits, withdrawals, and credit earned by examination. Specific information and the required agreement form are available from the Office of the Registrar. The deadline to submit this form to the Registrar’s Office is the same deadline as the Application for Graduation.