Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy


The Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy prepares students for a career in music therapy. The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) accredits this degree plan. Students must demonstrate Professional Competencies as outlined by AMTA, in addition to all required coursework, clinical fieldwork, and internship, prior to receiving the B.S. in music therapy.

Marketable Skills

Defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's 60x30 Strategic Plan as, "Those skills valued by employers that can be applied in a variety of work settings, including interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skills areas. These skills can be either primary or complementary to a major and are acquired by students through education, including curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities."

  1. Investigation - ability to think integrally about music therapy and its relation to larger contexts.
  2. Communication - ability to communicate in both oral and written forms​.
  3. Collaboration - ability to work as part of a team​ with others from a variety of disciplines, backgrounds, and cultures.


All applicants must meet the general undergraduate admission requirements.

 In addition, applicants must:

  1. Fill out the online TWU Music Audition Application via Acceptd.
  2. A letter of recommendation from your current private teacher or ensemble director will be required for each application. The letter must be received prior to your audition date and must be submitted by the letter writer through the Acceptd platform.
  3. Audition and participate in a placement evaluation.
  4. Meet individually with one of the music therapy faculty, learn more about the program, and ask any questions.

You also may choose to compete for scholarships that are available to new and transferring music students each year. These are awarded based on musical excellence, as verified through your entrance audition and placement examination, and supported by teacher recommendations.

Please visit the TWU Music Auditions website for audition dates, area-specific audition criteria, and a Step-by-Step Guide to admission into music degree programs.

Degree Requirements

Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH): 122 SCH   

Major: 41 SCH

Program Code: MUSICTHERAPY.BS;  CIP Code: 50.0901.00

Texas Core Curriculum

ENG 1013Composition I3
ENG 1023Composition II3
Life & Physical Sciences6
Language, Philosophy, & Culture3
Creative Arts3
HIST 1013History of the United States, 1492-18653
HIST 1023History of the United States, 1865 to the Present3
POLS 2013U.S. National Government3
POLS 2023Texas Government3
Social & Behavioral Sciences3
CAO: Women's Studies3
CAO: First Year Seminar, Wellness or Mathematics3
Total SCHs42

Courses Required for Major

MU 1021Keyboard Musicianship I1
MU 1031Keyboard Musicianship II1
MU 1521Aural Skills I1
MU 1523Music Theory I3
MU 1531Aural Skills II1
MU 1533Music Theory II3
MU 2521Aural Skills III1
MU 2523Music Theory III3
MU 2533Music Theory IV3
MU 3313Music History I3
MU 3323Music History II3
Principal Instrument (4 SCH at 4000 level)12
Music Ensembles6
Total SCHs41

Departmental Requirements

Must complete a grade of "C" or higher for courses to be counted toward the degree.

PSY 1013Introduction to General Psychology (may be applied from core)3
PSY 1603Developmental Psychology3
PSY 2513Abnormal Psychology3
BIOL 1013Human Biology (may be applied from core)3
DNCE 1071Introduction to Tap Dance1
or DNCE 1091 Dance Physical Conditioning/Body Work
MU 1112Music and Wellness (may be applied from core)2
MU 2913Music and Cultures (may be applied from core)3
MU 3703Women in Music (may be applied from core)3
Total SCHs21

Music Therapy Courses

Special Requirement: A grade of "B" or higher for courses to be counted toward the degree.

MU 2061Keyboard Musicianship III1
MU 1412Professional Foundations in Music Therapy I2
MU 1422Professional Foundations in Music Therapy II2
MU 2401Music Therapy Practicum I1
MU 2412Introduction to Integral Thinking in Music Therapy2
MU 2421Music Therapy Practicum II1
MU 3021Clinical Percussion1
MU 3081Clinical Keyboard1
MU 3301Clinical Guitar1
MU 3411Music Therapy Practicum III1
MU 3421Music Therapy Practicum IV1
MU 3422Context Thinking in Music Therapy2
MU 3443Research in Music Therapy3
MU 3462Experience Thinking in Music Therapy2
MU 3472Outcome Thinking in Music Therapy2
MU 3671Clinical Singing1
MU 4421Music Therapy Practicum V1
MU 4481Capstone in Music Therapy1
MU 4491Clinical Musicianship 1
MU 4521Music Therapy Practicum VI1
MU 4633Psychology of Music3
MU 4651Music Therapy Clinical Internship I1
Total SCHs32

Before students may register for internship, they must have met the following requisites:

  1. Satisfied music departmental recital attendance requirements.
  2. Completed all academic courses, including practica (Refer to Music Therapy handbook for criteria for admission to different levels of practicum).
  3. Achieved a cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 or better.
  4. Achieved a grade-point average of 3.0 in music therapy courses, including practica, with no grade below B.
  5. Received no letter grade below C in other music courses.
  6. Shown evidence of emotional stability and good physical health.
  7. Met university requirements for liability insurance and immunizations.
  8. Demonstrated professional, interpersonal, and ethical behaviors and skills as required by The American Music Therapy Association’s Professional Competencies
  9. Met all specific internship admission requirements, including but not limited to, requirements for liability insurance, drug testing, immunizations, criminal background, personal medical insurance, and/or transportation. Expenses for any required special training, drug testing, background checks, or other special requirements specific to an internship site are the responsibility of the student. Acceptance to an internship does not guarantee that the legal agreements between the university and the facility can be negotiated. The student may not begin the internship until all legal agreements have been finalized. See academic advisor for details related to a specific internship site.

Graduate students wishing to work toward certification must complete the music therapy equivalency program, which may be done at the same time the student completes some graduate courses toward the Master’s Degree. Post-baccalaureate students pursuing the equivalency program, but not the Master’s Degree, must complete the requirements for a second bachelor’s degree.

Testing for drugs, specific immunizations in addition to those required by TWU, proof of personal medical insurance, and/or passing a criminal background check may be required by certain facilities associated with the required clinical work. If students are unable to be cleared on any of these requirements, they may not be eligible to continue in the program.

Certification as a Music Therapist (MT-BC) is achieved by passing a national examination administered by the Certification Board for Music Therapists. This exam may be undertaken only after all requirements, including internship, have been completed. However, completion of the program does not guarantee eligibility to take the board certification exam. Questions regarding specific criminal background and its possible effects on eligibility for board certification should be addressed directly to the Certification Board for Music Therapists.

Recommended Plan of Study

First Year
MU 1021Keyboard Musicianship I MUSI 11811
MU 1112Music and Wellness (CAO Core) 2
MU 1521Aural Skills I MUSI 11161
MU 1523Music Theory I MUSI 13113
MU 1412Professional Foundations in Music Therapy I 2
Large Ensemble1
Applied Music: Principal Instrument2
UNIV 1231Learning Frameworks: First-Year Seminar EDUC 1100, EDUC 1200, EDUC 13001
ENG 1013Composition I ENGL 13013
 SCHs 16
MU 1031Keyboard Musicianship II MUSI 11821
MU 1531Aural Skills II MUSI 11171
MU 1533Music Theory II MUSI 13123
MU 1422Professional Foundations in Music Therapy II 2
PSY 1013Introduction to General Psychology PSYC 23013
Large Ensemble1
Applied Music: Principal Instrument2
ENG 1023Composition II ENGL 13023
 SCHs 16
Second Year
MU 3301Clinical Guitar 1
MU 2061Keyboard Musicianship III MUSI 21811
MU 2521Aural Skills III MUSI 21161
MU 2523Music Theory III MUSI 23113
MU 2412Introduction to Integral Thinking in Music Therapy 2
MU 2401Music Therapy Practicum I 1
MU 3021Clinical Percussion 1
Large Ensemble1
Applied Music: Principal Instrument2
PSY 1603Developmental Psychology PSYC 23143
 SCHs 16
MU 2421Music Therapy Practicum II 1
MU 2533Music Theory IV MUSI 23123
MU 3671Clinical Singing 1
MU 3422Context Thinking in Music Therapy 2
Large Ensemble1
Applied Music: Principal Instrument2
MU 2913Music and Cultures MUSI 13073
PSY 2513Abnormal Psychology PSYC 23203
 SCHs 16
Third Year
MU 3462Experience Thinking in Music Therapy 2
MU 3411Music Therapy Practicum III 1
MU 3313Music History I 3
MU 3081Clinical Keyboard 1
Large Ensemble1
Applied Music: Principal Instrument2
Mathematics Core3
Science Core3
 SCHs 16
MU 3323Music History II 3
MU 3421Music Therapy Practicum IV 1
MU 3472Outcome Thinking in Music Therapy 2
Large Ensemble1
Applied Music: Principal Instrument2
BIOL 1013Human Biology BIOL 13083
MU 4633Psychology of Music 3
 SCHs 15
Fourth Year
MU 4421Music Therapy Practicum V 1
MU 4491Clinical Musicianship 1
MU 3703Women in Music 3
MU 3443Research in Music Therapy 3
HIST 1013History of the United States, 1492-1865 HIST 13013
POLS 2013U.S. National Government GOVT 23053
 SCHs 14
MU 4481Capstone in Music Therapy 1
MU 4521Music Therapy Practicum VI 1
POLS 2023Texas Government GOVT 23063
HIST 1023History of the United States, 1865 to the Present HIST 13023
DNCE 1071
or 1091
Introduction to Tap Dance
or Dance Physical Conditioning/Body Work
DANC 11101
Language, Philosophy, & Culture Core3
 SCHs 12
Fifth Year
MU 4651Music Therapy Clinical Internship I 1
 SCHs 1
 Total SCHs:  122

NOTE:  Coursework is followed by the music therapy internship, which concludes the required 1200 clinically supervised hours. The traditional internship model is six months of full-time supervised experiences. Students enroll in MU 4651 for internship.