Health and Wellbeing Initiative


At Texas Woman’s University, we define well as the essential skills of self-care. Like all skills, they need to be taught, developed, and practiced. Consider ways you can be involved, optimize your student experience, and build a healthy campus community. 

How can students get involved?

TWU's Health and Wellbeing model includes 5 theme areas

  • Build Well: Enhances health and well-being through sustainable, usable environments in which to learn, work, and live.
  • Eat Well: Promotes improved access to healthy, sustainable, culturally appropriate foods and positive eating choices among all students. 
  • Mind Well: Champions activities, strategies, and events that enhance and promote social connectedness, positive mental health, and resiliency. 
  • Move Well: Informs and encourages students to adopt personally relevant, life-long movement practices and habits.
  • Spend Well: Prioritizes positive financial attitudes and behaviors through engagement and education.