Bachelor of Music in Music (Piano Performance)


The Bachelor of Music degree in Music with an emphasis in Performance is designed for those students who wish to pursue a career as a performer, establish a music studio, or develop the foundation for graduate study in music. Pursue your passion through private lessons, ensembles, and recitals combined with other music studies including theory, history, and piano.

Marketable Skills

Defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's 60x30 Strategic Plan as, "Those skills valued by employers that can be applied in a variety of work settings, including interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skills areas. These skills can be either primary or complementary to a major and are acquired by students through education, including curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities."

  1. Collaboration - work effectively with others toward a common goal​.
  2. Analysis - think and understand in patterns.
  3. Time-management - handle multiple projects simultaneously​.


All applicants must meet the general undergraduate admission requirements.

In addition, applicants must:

  1. Fill out the online TWU Music Audition Application via Acceptd.
  2. A letter of recommendation from your current private teacher or ensemble director will be required for each application. The letter must be received prior to your audition date and must be submitted by the letter writer through the Acceptd platform.
  3. Audition and participate in a placement evaluation.

You also may choose to compete for scholarships that are available to new and transferring music students each year. These are awarded based on musical excellence, as verified through your entrance audition and placement examination, and supported by teacher recommendations.

Please visit the TWU Music Auditions website for audition dates, area-specific audition criteria, and a Step-by-Step Guide to admission into music degree programs.

Degree Requirements

Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH): 120   

Major: 30 SCH

Program Code: MUSIC.BM.PIANO;   CIP Code: 50.0901.00

Texas Core Curriculum

ENG 1013Composition I3
ENG 1023Composition II3
Life & Physical Sciences6
Language, Philosophy, & Culture3
Creative Arts3
HIST 1013History of the United States, 1492-18653
HIST 1023History of the United States, 1865 to the Present3
POLS 2013U.S. National Government3
POLS 2023Texas Government3
Social & Behavioral Sciences3
CAO: Women's Studies3
CAO: First Year Seminar, Wellness or Mathematics3
Total SCHs42

Courses Required for Major

MU 1521Aural Skills I1
MU 1531Aural Skills II1
MU 2521Aural Skills III1
MU 2531Aural Skills IV1
MU 1523Music Theory I3
MU 1533Music Theory II3
MU 2523Music Theory III3
MU 2533Music Theory IV3
MU 3313Music History I3
MU 3323Music History II3
MU 3401Voice Class1
MU 3542Conducting I2
MU 4503Analytical Techniques in Music3
Total SCHs28

Piano Performance

Special Requirement: A grade of "B" or higher for courses to be counted toward the degree

Applied Lessons (10 SCH advanced)18
Music Ensembles (advanced)4
MU 3473Piano Literature3
MU 3483Piano Pedagogy3
MU 3691Piano Accompanying (2 semesters required)2
MU 3581Chamber Music (2 semesters required)2
Total SCHs32

Departmental Requirements

Foreign Language (6 SCH in one language required)6
Performance Juries (8 juries completed)
MU Electives 9
MU 2913Music and Cultures3
or MU 3713 Music and World Cultures
Total SCHs18

Recommended Plan of Study

First Year
MU 1112Music and Wellness 2
MU 1521Aural Skills I MUSI 11161
MU 1523Music Theory I MUSI 13113
Large Ensemble 1
Applied Music: Primary Instrument2
UNIV 1231Learning Frameworks: the First-Year Seminar EDUC 1100, EDUC 1200, EDUC 13001
ENG 1013Composition I ENGL 13013
 SCHs 14
MU 1531Aural Skills II MUSI 11171
MU 1533Music Theory II MUSI 13123
MU 2913
or 3713
Music and Cultures
or Music and World Cultures
MUSI 13073
MU 3401Voice Class 1
Large Ensemble 1
Applied Music: Primary Instrument2
ENG 1023Composition II ENGL 13023
 SCHs 15
Second Year
MU 2521Aural Skills III MUSI 21161
MU 2523Music Theory III MUSI 23113
MU 3691Piano Accompanying 1
Large Ensemble 1
Applied Music: Primary Instrument2
HIST 1013History of the United States, 1492-1865 HIST 13013
Life & Physical Sciences Core3
 SCHs 15
MU 2531Aural Skills IV MUSI 21171
MU 2533Music Theory IV MUSI 23123
MU 3691Piano Accompanying 1
Large Ensemble 1
Applied Music: Primary Instrument2
HIST 1023History of the United States, 1865 to the Present HIST 13023
Life & Physical Sciences Core3
 SCHs 14
Third Year
MU 3542Conducting I 2
MU 3313Music History I 3
MU 3542Conducting I 2
MU 3691Piano Accompanying 1
Large Ensemble (upper level)1
Applied Music: Primary Instrument (upper level)2
Language, Philosophy, & Culture Core3
 SCHs 16
MU 3323Music History II 3
MU 3691Piano Accompanying 1
MU 3473Piano Literature 3
Large Ensemble 1
Applied Music: Primary Instrument (upper level)2
Social & Behavioral Sciences Core3
 SCHs 15
Fourth Year
MU 3703Women in Music 3
MU 4503Analytical Techniques in Music 3
Large Ensemble 1
Applied Music: Primary Instrument (upper level)3
POLS 2013U.S. National Government GOVT 23053
Mathematics Core3
 SCHs 16
MU 3483Piano Pedagogy 3
Large Ensemble 1
Applied Music: Primary Instrument (upper level)3
POLS 2023Texas Government GOVT 23063
 SCHs 15
 Total SCHs:  120