Grades and Grade Points

The number of grade points given for each grade earned by a student is determined as follows:

Grade Description
Grade A 4 times as many grade points as semester credit hours.
Grade B 3 times as many grade points as semester credit hours.
Grade C 2 times as many grade points as semester credit hours.
Grade D 1 time as many grade points as semester credit hours.
Grade F No grade points. Semester credit hours are counted; thus the grade is punitive.
Grade FN No grade points. F grade due to never attending. (Official transcript will reflect a grade of F).
Grade FS No grade points. F grade due to having stopped attending. (Official transcript will reflect a grade of F).
Grade W No credit or grade points. Does not count toward 6-drop limit.
Grade W& No credit or grade points. Counts toward 6-drop limit.
Grade I No grade points.
Grade CR Credit for semester credit hours earned, but no grade points.
Grade PR No semester credit hours or grade points.
Grade P Pass. Credit for hours earned, but no grade point.
Grade DCR Pass with minimum credit, but does not satisfy C or higher requirement. No grade points.
Grade NCR No earned credit hours or grade points.
Grade X No grade points, non-punitive.
Grade DA Developmental A, no grade points.
Grade DB Developmental B, no grade points.
Grade DC Developmental C, no grade points.
Grade DF Developmental F, no grade points.
Grade DFN Developmental F due to never attending. No grade points.
Grade DFS Developmental F due to having stopped attending. No grade points.

Grades are interpreted as: A, Excellent; B, Good; C, Average; D, Inferior but passing; F, Failure; CR, Credit; PR, In Progress (normally used for thesis, professional paper, or dissertation); I, Incomplete; W, Withdrew from the course without penalty; X, no credit due to tuition deficiency. The letters “REP” following the grade indicate repeated coursework for the exact same course. The letters “MAN” following the grade indicate repeated coursework manually processed for a course deemed equivalent by the academic unit. The higher grade is counted for repeated coursework.

An incomplete (I) grade is appropriate only when a student has passing grades in 2/3 of assigned work but, because of extenuating circumstances, cannot complete all of the coursework by the end of the semester/term. Extenuating circumstances include:

  1. Incapacitating illness that prevents a student from attending classes;
  2. A death in the immediate family;
  3. Change in work schedule as required by an employer; or
  4. Other emergencies deemed appropriate by the instructor.

A grade of Incomplete should not be requested nor given for lack of completion of work because of procrastination or dissatisfaction with the grade earned.

Under the conditions above, the student may petition the instructor for time beyond the end of the semester/term to finish the coursework. The instructor, the student, and the department chair (or equivalent) of the academic department in which the course is offered must fill out and sign the form Application for Grade of Incomplete. If laboratory or clinical work remains to be completed, the department or program must certify that the student can successfully complete such work by the assigned completion dates.

Specific arrangements to remove the grade of Incomplete must be made between the instructor and the student. The instructor will also specify that if the work is not completed by the assigned time, a grade of B, C, D, or F will replace the Incomplete on the student’s transcript. If the instructor fails to provide a default grade, the incomplete grade will automatically change to an F after one calendar year. If the student completes the required work by the assigned completion date, the instructor will submit the new grade to the Office of the Registrar. The maximum time allowed to finish the coursework is one calendar year. In most instances, the work to be completed should be finished within the first several weeks following the end of the semester/term in which the Incomplete was given.

NOTE: No student may graduate with a grade of Incomplete even if the “I” is in a course unrelated to the degree plan.

Any extension past one academic calendar year will require written approval submitted to the Office of the Registrar from the instructor, department chair, and the dean or director of the academic unit in which the course was offered.

Incomplete work cannot be finished by repeating the class. If such an option is preferred, the student should accept the grade earned and re-enroll in the course in the expectation of earning a better grade. The higher grade will be calculated in the GPA. Any exceptions to these regulations which describe the use of the grade of Incomplete require the approval of the instructor, the department chair (or equivalent), and the dean or director of the academic unit in which the course was offered.