Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management)


The M.B.A. emphasis in Human Resources Management is designed for students seeking to improve their business knowledge to pursue a career in the field of human resources management. Human resources management involves many functions to manage an organization’s most important asset, its employees. These functional areas include, but are not limited to staffing, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance management/appraisal, employment law, and labor relations. The M.B.A.-HR emphasis prepares students to pursue certification as a Human Resources professional through either the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) or Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI).

Marketable Skills

Defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's 60x30 Strategic Plan as, "Those skills valued by employers that can be applied in a variety of work settings, including interpersonal, cognitive, and applied skills areas. These skills can be either primary or complementary to a major and are acquired by students through education, including curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities."

Core Skills

  1. Critical Thinking: M.B.A. Specific Application - Solving problems by applying knowledge to cases and challenges in organizations. General Employment Application - Using feedback from employees, environment, benchmarking, and innovation to generate multiple solutions, creative ideas, and effective strategies and to understand the industry/general environment.
  2. ​Diversity: M.B.A. Specific Application - Grasp knowledge of theory and legal statutes pertaining to workplace discrimination and diversity. General Employment Application - Implement fair selection practices and equal employee treatment while leveraging the benefits of workplace diversity.
  3. ​Ethical Reasoning: M.B.A. Specific Application - Recognize and solve ethical dilemmas from assigned cases and grasp theory of ethics in the workplace. General Employment Application - Make ethical decisions and create or support an ethical organizational climate.
  4. ​Teamwork: M.B.A. Specific Application - Work with teams on projects and/or grasp concepts related to group dynamics. General Employment Application - Ability to work with teams in a workplace setting and effectively manage workgroups.  Vital components of successful teamwork include learning and applying methods for group creation, role formation, successful team communication, team management, and the ability to produce results.


All students must meet the University requirements as outlined in the Admission to the TWU Graduate School section of the catalog.

The academic program may have additional admission criteria that must also be completed as outlined on the program's website.

Degree Requirements

Total Semester Credit Hours Required

36-45 Semester credit hours (SCH).

  1. Students should complete ACCT 5433, prior to enrolling in FIN 5243.
  2. Students must have successfully completed ACCT 5433 , FIN 5243 , MGT 5263 , MGT 5663, and MKT 5133 before attempting MGT 5893 . (In earlier catalogs these courses used the BUS prefix).
  3. MGT 5893 is the Capstone course in the M.B.A. program and focuses on executive-level decision-making that guides the organization in its interactions with the internal and external environments. It involves synthesis of the various functional silos of the business discipline and comprehensive business case analysis for proposed or actual companies.
Proficiency Courses (may be waived)0-9
Financial Accounting
Foundations in Business
Foundations of Financial Management
Required Courses for M.B.A. major
ACCT 5433Managerial Accounting3
BUS 5923Global Business3
BUS 5933Business Ethics and Legal Environment3
FIN 5243Managerial Finance3
MGT 5263Organizational Behavior in Business Administration3
MGT 5663Decision Analysis for Managers3
MKT 5133Marketing Management3
MGT 5893Business Strategy and Policy (Capstone, must be taken in final semester.)3
Total SCHs24-33
Required Courses for emphasis in Human Resources Management
MGT 5273Human Resource Administration3
MGT 5613Staffing3
MGT 5623Compensation and Benefits3
MGT 5633Principles of Talent Development3
Total SCHs12