Nature of Admission

Each application that meets the minimum requirements of the Graduate School will be evaluated by members of the appropriate department and by the Dean of the Graduate School; it will be accepted or rejected on the basis of the following criteria.

Unconditional Admission

No prerequisites are necessary, and no special qualifications must be met during or prior to graduate study.

Conditional Admission

Graduate degree study is permitted with the imposition of certain conditions which must be met for the student’s continuation in the degree program. These conditions may require the completion of prerequisites, satisfactory performance in initial course work, satisfactory completion of a degree in progress, or the completion of other conditions that indicate the student should continue graduate study. A student admitted with less than a ‘B’ average is given Conditional Admission, conditioned upon maintenance of a ‘B’ average during the first twelve semester credit hours of graduate study or upon other requirements specified. Once the conditions for full admission have been met, the student should petition the Graduate School through the department for advancement to Unconditional Admission. Failure to meet conditions of admission results in the student’s removal from a degree program.

Denial of Admission

Admission is denied if the applicant fails to meet the minimum requirements established by the Graduate Council, the program has reached the limits of its enrollment, or the applicant does not meet departmental requirements.